Overall I would say keeping a blog for DMC was a positive thing. The main reason for this is just the way that having to do a small amount of writing each week, even if it was about Stephanie Rice, made me start thinking about some of the things I could research for my essay. My approach to an essay is usually to go over some ideas in my head in the months leading up to the due date, which I would then forget by the time I went to sit down and actually write something. So, actually sit down once a week to think over some things AND write them down was good for me.
The wiki, on the other hand, didn't work so well for me. I generally find group exercises somewhat frustrating and a group exercise online was really no different. Everyone seemed to have a different idea of what should be included and I think that as an overall wiki it ended up being quite messy and a bit unorganised. I know the idea is that we are supposed to edit each others contributions but I don't feel right going in and changing other people's writing after they've been working on it.
On the whole, though, I thought Digital Media Cultures was a really interesting subject.